Contemporary Worship Service is every Sunday Morning at 10:00 A.M. or by Livestream via Youtube and on this website:
Contemporary Worship is a high energy family oriented service of praise and worship with the New Visions Band, video, multimedia presentations, drama, our Interpreter Dancers and a message that deals with things that really matter in your life.
New Vision Band
The New Visions Band leads Trinity in praise and worship through song each week. Their contemporary sound brings excitement and life to the words we sing. Through guitars, keyboards, drums and vocals this group is a main part of the worship at Trinity. They believe their gifts are used to help bring the hearts of others closer to Christ.
Interpretive Dance
The Interpretive Dancers are and integral part of Trinity’s Worship. This type of dance originated in Singapore and was brought to Costa Rica through a mission project. Trinity’s first mission team to Costa Rica in February 2000 brought the excitement of the dance back with them. Each move that the dancers make is a reference of Scripture.
The dancers study, and practice so that they become disciplined in their movements of worship. As they dance, they are reciting scripture and praising the Lord in a different worship form. Let the Holy Spirit work through you, as you are led in worship with the Tambourine Dancers. They add a beauty and grace to worship.

Small Group Worship
Small Group Worship TBD: Stay Tuned For Upcoming Dates and Times