
Secular Songs

On Sunday 7/30/23 we invite you to experience Secular Songs that are meaningful to you.  We are inviting 4-5 people to share brief witness about a Secular Song that has a special meaning to them.  If you would like to share in this experience, please see Pastor Abigail or contact her at through her email @…

Mohawk Valley Walking Group

10am Come join the Trinity of the Mohawk Valley Walking Group at the Whitestown Town Park @ 5175 Gibson Rd. Whitesboro. It will be a "Gentle Walk". We will meet in the Parking Lot by the Tennis Courts.

Storybook Series Begins

We are looking for children’s storybook readers for worship Sunday August 13, 20, 27. If you would love to read, reach Pastor Abigail.

Karaoke Night at Pinz

Karaoke Night at Pinz at Sangertown Mall All Adults Welcome! for Andy’s Birthday!

Church Clean Up Following Worship

Trinity UMC 8595 Westmorland Rd, Whitesboro, NY, United States

Help de-clutter, clean and organize areas of the Church. Those who are familiar with a certain area - will work on those areas (ex. Praise Band/storage closet, Pastor/Office) Those who don't have a specific ministry area will help clean out the basement, storage areas etc.

Walking in the Word

Walking in the Word - A "Gentle Walk" Lock 20 in Marcy (Lock is located on Route 49). After the walk all are welcome to come to Killino's Riverside Diner.