
Our Mission

Our mission is to respond to the social and spiritual needs of the teens in our community by providing fun programs, activities, and events that will allow them to express their faith through their own words and actions; to encourage them to use their individual talents in programs and ministries that interest them in order to nurture their growth as people of faith while providing volunteer services to the community.

R.a.G.E. stands for Righteous and Godly Experience. R.a.G.E. Youth Group aims to provide an atmosphere where students can experience the strength of our God that loves them no matter what. Through activities, games, discussions and events, we explore God’s love and experience friendships and fun. Youth Group is a place where teens in our community can feel welcomed, heard and accepted into a spiritual family that will not judge them. Everyone belongs no matter what.

Youth group is for all students Grades 6-12. We meet every Sunday 6:00-8:00 pm at Trinity United Methodist Church
Contact Pete at rage@trinitywhitesboro.com

Rage Youth Group logo