
Congregational Transition Meeting

Trinity UMC 8595 Westmorland Rd, Whitesboro, NY, United States

Wednesday, April 20th at 6:00pm we will be holding an important meeting with the district transition team as we figure out how to move forward as a church. For all those who attend Trinity this meeting is very important and we want to make sure that everyone is aware of what the future may be.…

Agape Love Feast

Trinity UMC 8595 Westmorland Rd, Whitesboro, NY, United States

Sunday, April 24th at 10:00am our service will look a little different as we will be holding service in the Gathering Room. The theme of this service is Agape Love Feast and with that being said we will be holding a cover-dish style brunch at that time. Please bring a dish to pass as well…

Second Advent – Peace

Trinity UMC 8595 Westmorland Rd, Whitesboro, NY, United States

Sunday, December 4th is the second Sunday of Advent and is represented by the candle of PEACE.  Peace is what we as followers strive for.  Jesus speaks many times about peace.  One particular time is in the book of John in chapter 14 verse 27.  "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do…

Spiritual Gift Survey & White Elephant Gift Exchange

Trinity UMC 8595 Westmorland Rd, Whitesboro, NY, United States

We invite you to come to gather in fellowship with your fellow Trinitarians and find out what your spiritual gifts are as Pastor Abigail leads us through a Spiritual Gift Survey.  We will also be having a "white elephant" gift exchange so please bring a small, gift-wrapped item.  Come and join us for this fun…

Third Advent – Joy

Trinity UMC 8595 Westmorland Rd, Whitesboro, NY, United States

Sunday, December 11th is the third Sunday of Advent and is represented by the candle of JOY.  Sometimes it is hard to be JOYful or feel JOYous, even at Christmas time.  We all have hurts and/or heartache in our lives.  But the good news is that we can find JOY in the little things.  All…

Fourth Advent – Love

Trinity UMC 8595 Westmorland Rd, Whitesboro, NY, United States

Sunday, December 18th is the fourth Sunday of Advent and is represented by the candle of LOVE.  LOVE is the greatest gift that one can give or receive.  One can have an expensive car, loads of jewelry, name brand clothes or the biggest most extravagant house in the world, but if they don't know how…

The Joy of a Child Healing Service

Trinity UMC 8595 Westmorland Rd, Whitesboro, NY, United States

We will have our monthly healing service at 7pm in the sanctuary.  This title for this evening is "The Joy of a Child" and will be led by our very own Jerry Plows.  Come and be blessed by this amazing experience.

Christmas Eve – Christ Candle

On Christmas Eve we will light the final candle, the Christ candle.  Our hope and prayer is that everyone who reads this email will come and celebrate Christ's birth with us.  Worship begins and 4pm.  There will be a special message for the children, we will share in the Lord's super, and we will participate…

Ringing In The New Year

Trinity UMC 8595 Westmorland Rd, Whitesboro, NY, United States

This Sunday, January 1 at our 10am worship service, we will be ringing in the New Year with Christmas Carols and coffee.  It is going to be an even more laid-back service and we hope that you will join us.  What is your New Year's "resolution" going to be?  What will your "goals" be for…

Walking In The Word

On Saturday, January 7th we will be starting a new study along with exercise!  Walking In The Word will begin at 1pm at:  The Rayhill Memorial Trail access parking lot on Middle Settlement Road in New Hartford (next to OHM BOCES, across Stewart's).  We will start each walk with a prayer and a brief scripture reading from…