
Welcome to Mohawk Valley Trinity UMC in Whitesboro NY

Photo of Trinity UMC in whitesboroWe are committed to being a Spirit filled church that meets today’s culture head on. Everyone is welcome, no matter what your faith background, even if you’ve never been in church before. Leave the tie at home and dress casually. Bring your cup of coffee or tea in from our café and celebrate with today’s music, dance, video, and a relevant real life message. At Trinity you can think for yourself and it’s a place where you can feel a belonging and spiritual fulfillment.

We see ourselves living on the edge of a new mission frontier for the 21st century, which starts right at the door of the church and extends across the globe. We believe that no matter what you’ve done or where you’ve been – you matter to God. If you live in the Utica/Mohawk Valley area, or are just planning to visit, we hope you will join us for worship. There are tremendous programs and ministries for people of all ages and stages in their spiritual journey.


Know God - Hand Reaching to the sky


God loves us and wants us to be close to Him. Much more than just practicing religion, He wants a growing personal relationship with us.

Show Jesus's Love


God didn’t create us to go it alone. We all need quality friends and life-changing community. Jesus shows us how to love and care for others.

Share Spiritual Gifts - Hands open with the words use me


We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us” (Romans 12:6). We are the hands and feet of Jesus, called to be a light to the world.


Contemporary Worship

In Person Sunday Morning – 10:00 AM
Celebrate with praise, music, media arts, dance and real life message. Learn more
Virtual Worship Service – Youtube

Bible Study

In Person Monday Evening – 6:00 PM

BLAST Children’s Ministry

Sunday Morning – 10:00am (during worship)
Sunday school but not like school; its where the kids get the parents out of bed to bring them to the adventure. Learn more

RaGE Youth Ministry

Sunday Evenings 6:00-8:00pm
Teens get to hangout and grow spiritually through music, games and just fun times. Learn more

Contemporary Worship Near me in Whitesboro, NY